# Bowel Tracking

# Introduction

# Launch the App

The app can be accessed in your browser by entering the Bowel Tracking URL in your browser’s address bar.

# Login

Users can login using the Username, Password, and Agency Key assigned by the Agency.

# Select a Dashboard

After the user logs in, they will be directed to choose a dashboard. The dashboard they choose will determine what clients they will have access to.

# Home Screen

The home screen will feature the user’s agency’s logo in the middle of the screen.

# Blue Circle Menu

The Blue Circle Menu in the bottom right of the home screen is how the user will access everything. Clicking the Blue Circle Menu will bring up the functions User Guide, Select a Dashboard, Select a Client, and Light/Dark Mode.

# User Guide

This is how the user will access the user guide and all other user guides for other web apps.

# Select a Dashboard (button)

The Select a dashboard button will bring the user back to the select a dashboard screen from after logging in. Use this button to change between dashboards.

# Select a Client

Use this button to select a client. It will bring up the Select a Client screen where the user will begin typing the clients name to search and bring up their charts.

# Client Selector

Use the top search bar to type and search for a client, and the bottom filter search bar to filter through the results of the initial search.

# Client Chart

This is the Client Chart that will show all the reports that have been entered by the user. To add a new bowel report, click the blue ‘New Item’ button in the top right of the screen. The view, edit and delete buttons are to the right of each report.

# Add, View, Edit and Delete Items

This is the blue ‘New Item’ button used to add reports.

These are the view, edit and delete buttons. View, the user can only view the report. Edit, the user can view and edit the report, and delete will bring up a delete screen in the bottom right corner of the screen.

To delete, type ‘delete’ then click ‘yes’, to cancel, click ‘no’.

When adding, editing and viewing a bowel report, this is the screen that the user will see. Fill in all the necessary fields in order to save.

The cancel and save buttons are at the bottom right of the screen. Be sure to click save, because the report will not save on its own. Anything not saved will be lost and will have to be replicated.

# Light/Dark Mode

This is the toggle between light and dark mode.

Last Updated: 8/11/2021

# Change Log

Version 24.11.06 W2