# Diagnosis

# Introduction

# Launch

The app can be accessed in your browser by entering the Diagnosis URL in your browser’s address bar.

# Add A Diagnosis

# 1 Select the individual from the client selector in web dashboard, then click the diagnosis button.

# 2 From the main screen you may Click "NEW ITEM" to add a new item. The "eye" icon may be used to view an existing record. The "pencil" icon may be used to edit an existing record. The "trash can " may be used to delete an existing diagnosis.

# 3 If the exact date the individual was diagnosed with the diagnosis you are entering is known then simply enter that into the date fields. If the individual was diagnosed at birth, select at birth from the Diagnosed On drop down, or Unknown if the exact diagnosis date is not known.

# 4 Click the "Diagnosis" field to enter a diagnosis for the individual.

# 5 To select a diagnosis you may search by description or by ICD-10 code.

# 6 Example of searching by description-

# 7 Example of searching by ICD-10 code

# 8 Click the "DX Class" field to categorize the diagnosis you are entering as Primary or Additional. Some agencies will have an additional field available next to DX Class to define the type of diagnosis such as IDD or Behavioral Health. If this field is turned on please select the appropriate type.

# 9 Click the "Affect On Individual" field to enter any pertinent information. Use of this field is optional.

# 10 Click the "Support Provided" field to enter any pertinent information regarding any additional supports necessary to better support the individual with this diagnosis. Use of this field is optional.

# 11 The button shown here is "Cancel".

# 12 Click the Save button to save the diagnosis you just entered.

# 13 NOTE: If you get the screen below it means you have attempted to add two primary diagnoses of the same type which is not allowed. If this occurs, go ahead and enter and save this diagnosis as additional. Once it is saved you may adjust the existing diangoses for this individual to ensure the correct diagnosis is listed as primary.

# Change Log

Version 24.06.06 W2
Version 24.04.25 W\